Monday, December 7, 2015

A U-Cut Kind of Christmas: Buxton OR

A few days back, I had the good fortune of attending a U-Cut Christmas-tree party on private property somewhere near Buxton, Oregon. The weather was quintessential Pacific Northwest – misty, rainy, foggy and cool: a perfect day to chop down your own Christmas tree and connect with your inner lumberjack.

Reinforced by spiked hot-apple cider, a few of us felt pretty darn rugged as we trudged down the lane that led to the Christmas trees. Clippers in hand, we were ready to harvest some fresh greens and a Doug fir or two. A well-prepared member of our group brought a Sawzall, which easily sliced through the young evergreens. In no time at all, we were elatedly crying out: “TIMBER!" 

And as we hauled our trees back to the warmth of our cars, we were already missing our time spent in the magical Christmas Tree Forest.